










the 50 pounds coin has a crowned lion on its________.

there are two new houses under ______.

the fineness of a sculpture first lies in its ______.

bubble skirts step into ______ in this summer.

in spite of the ______ of employment, mark found a satisfying job in the joint-stock company.

in fact, the ______ patients can be cured well and do as a common people to some extent.

i have no ______ of coming to this terrible place again!

the general ______ his men to attack the city.

the 50 pounds coin has a crowned lion on its ________.

heat, cold, tactile and other sensations ________ to flavour.

there are two new houses under ________.

the fineness of a sculpture first lies in its ________.

bubble skirts step into ______ in this summer.

in spite of the ________ , mark found a satisfying job in the joint-stock company.

in fact, the ________ patient can be cured well and do as a common people to some extent.

i have no ________ of coming to this terrible place again!

the general ________ his men to attack the city.

1.the reason why he failed is______he was too careless.

2. go and get your coat. it's______you left it.

3. the problem is _______to take the place of ted.

4. what i want to know is ______he likes the gift given by us.

5. the reason is ______i missed the bus.

6. that is ______we were late last time.

7. she looked______she were ten years younger.

8. ---i fell sick! ---i think it is______you are doing too much.

9. the reason why he hasn't come is_______.

10. -----he was born here. ------that is _____he likes the place so much.

the unexpected guest ______ his plans.

i hurt my ______ when i lifted the dumbbells.

i didn't know anyone the first day when i started my new job, but mary immediatelycame over, introduced herself and ______ me.

i plan to take a ______ typing course in summer vacation to improve my skills.

his failure on the college entrance examination was very ______ because he was too lazy.

ruth department store intends to ______ its furniture department from the present scale to 800 square meters.

there are many ______ bulidings in the city.

the polluted air in the city is badly ______ the health of the residents.

have you ______ your ticket?

his hair is beginning to ______.

by noon he had ______ three hares.

we should ______ these responsibilities.

they ______ him suspiciously.

our aim is to save the patient and not to ______ him to death.

i hope we can ______ together.

we ______the soil before sowing.

he is busy ______ the bicycle.

his daughter is not ________ to marry the poor young man.

he is ________ to learn english well in order to keep up with the world today.

his father is a man of ________.

we can't go on the experiment in the ________ of those conditins.

the boy rolled ________ eyes towards his father.

man has ________ from the ape.

he stood there without ________.

________ speaking, such a view is wrong.

there is the ________ for you to catch a cold.

we must ________our national defence.

which of the following options does not meet the characteristics of soil microorganis ?

what is the most important way to remove toxic organic compounds completely from soil ?

the reason for the decrease of soil bioersity is _.

the root microbiome includes microorganis in _.

what are the major threats to ecosystem function ?

the synchrotron radiation source is a continuous spectrum ranging from far infrared to x-ray, with high intensity and high precision.

which of the following is not an indicator of the ersity of soil organis ?

microorganis that are symbiotic with legumes for nitrogen fixation are _.

which of the following microbes is not prey of the protozoa is _.

the earthy aroma of organic-rich soils and freshly plowed land is credited mainly due to __.

hyperthermophilic bacteria are mainly __.

the water activity of most soils suitable for microbial life is __.

the two groups exerting the greatest influence on soil processes are the protozoa and nematodes among microfauna.

microbes that survive in extreme environments can also survive in ordinary conditions.

who is the first scientist defining the term of “rhizosphere” ?

rhizosphere mainly includes __.

rhizodepostion includes __.

which pathogens cause soil-borne disease?

what is the properties of rhizosphere redox potential ?

which animals live around rhizsophere ?

the rhizosphere ph is significantly lower than non-rhizosphere ph.

the further away from the root, the higher the content of microorganis.

which of the following(s) do(es) not belong to elemental carbon ?

choose the right order of soil organic carbon content in the different ecosystems.

what is the most important way to decompose soil organic carbon from soil ?

carbon isotope include: __.

the increased co2 concentration of atmosphere by human activities via __.

factors affect soil respiration:

methods to sequestrate c include:

which of the following options is the characteristics of nitrogen ?

the sources of soil nitrogen including __.

there are several systems for biological nitrogen fixation including __.

which of the following options meets the characteristics of soil nitrification ?

which of the following options does not meet the characteristics of soil denitrification ?

dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium(dnra) become more competitive than denitrification when __.

the method for the aim of sustainable nitrogen management including __.

nitrogen is an essential element for all life.

most soil nitrogen is present as mineral nitrogen.

immobilization and mineralization are two opposite processes.

in term of the abundance in the earth’s crust, what is the rank of sulfur ?

which of the following reactions is directly related to the formation of pyrite ?

what are the available sulfur in soil for plants ?

adsorption of sulfur mainly includes electrostatic adsorption and ligand adsorption. electrostatic adsorption requires that the soil surface is positive charged.

when the phosphorus concentration in organic matter is greater than 0.3%, what occurs ?

which of the following options affect the rate of organic phosphorus mineralization ?

which of the following options is the pathway to promote the availability of soil phosphorus ?

please try to briefly introduce phosphorus forms in soil and the process of soil phosphorus cycling.

which type of toxic organic compounds is not related to agricultural activities ?

which one is not organochlorine among the following pesticides ?

which factor will affect the sorption of toxic organic compounds to soil ?

which of the following arsenic species is the most toxic ?

which of the following methods is not a common method used in heavy metal pollution remediation in agricultural soil ?

which of the following options does not meet the characteristics of soil microorganis.

which of the following is not an indicator of the ersity of soil organis?

what is the most important way to decompose soil organic carbon from soil?

dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium(dnra) become more competitive than denitrification when __.

which type of toxic organic compounds is not related to agricultural activities?

which of the following methods is not a common method used in heavy metal pollution remediation in agricultural soils?

the increased co2 concentration of atmosphere by human activities via __.

what are the available sulfur in soil for plants?

methods to sequestrate c include __.

the further away from the root, the higher the content of microorganis.

immobilization and mineralization are two opposite processes.


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在气固色谱中各组分在吸附剂上分离的原理是( )。

分光光度计的核心部件是( )。

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