





基于磁电效应制成的传感器主要有磁电感应式传感器、 和磁敏式传感器。

压力传感器的测量原理主要有电阻应变式、() 、可变电感式、电容式、电位计式等多种。
























闭环控制系统中,被控参量的输出信号,通过反馈环节( )的比较,从而修正输出信号的控制系统称为闭环控制。










一个典型的汽车电子控制系统主要由三部分组成,包括( )、传感器和执行器。

巡航控制系统中,若行驶阻力不变,节气门开度不变。如果行驶阻力变大,则节气门开度( )。

实际控制中,abs就是将滑动率s控制在( )左右,以获得较大的纵向和侧向附着力,从而将汽车的制动效果调整到最佳状态。

安全气囊的传感器主要有碰撞传感器和( )两大类。

电动汽车中减少电磁干扰的主要措施有屏蔽、滤波和( )。

目前汽车上的网络连接方式主要由2条can总线组成,1条用于( )的高速can;另1条用于车身信息和娱乐系统的低速can。

传感器在正(输入量增大)反(输入量减小)行程中输出输入曲线不重合的现象称为( )。

如下图所示,请写出测量中常用直流测量电桥的平衡条件是( )。

自动变速器的换挡动作控制,在原理上主要由节气门开度和 决定。

对点火系的控制主要体现在对点火的时刻点火提前角和( )的控制。








第五套币100元纸币在设计上突出了( )。

《银行法》明确规定:币由( )统一发行。

第五套币50元纸币正面主景是和背面主景是( )。

第五套币50元纸币正面行名下方底纹中的胶印缩微文字是( )

银行公告的2015年土豪金版第五套币100元纸币将于2015年 正式发行。

2015版第五套币100元纸币主要有 大防伪特征?

货币发展的阶段有那些?( )

我国清朝,习惯把( )合称为钞票。

第五套币背面右上方有银行和( )民族文字的行名呢?

2015年土豪金版币的防伪标记有那些?( )

根据《银行假币收缴鉴定管理办法》中所称假币是指伪造变造的货币。( )

币的水印是在造纸中,采用特殊的工艺,使纸纤维堆积,而形成的暗记。( )

金融机构在办理业务时,发现假币,应该由该金融机构,三名以上业务人员,当面予以收缴,并且对该假冒币的纸币,当面加盖假币字样的戳记。( )

残缺币的兑换分为全额兑换和半额兑换两个等级。( )

机制假钞主要有:照相制版胶印,电子扫描仪和雕刻制版凹印三种。( )

币票面残缺1/2以上,并且票面污损,薰焦,水湿,油浸,变色,不能够辨别真假或者是故意挖补,涂改,剪贴,拼凑,揭去一面的可以半额进行兑换。( )

快速辨别币的真假一般采用耳听的方法。( )

市场上流通着的币有一部分因长期流通破旧,有很多损伤票币。银行对票币进行整理清点,边清点边销毁。( )

收缴假币的金融机构应该向持有人,出具银行统一印制的假币收缴凭证,并告知持有人如对货币真伪有异议,可向银行当地分支机构,或银行授权的,当地鉴定机构申请鉴定。( )

单位或者个人如对货币真伪有异议,可向银行当地分支机构或当地鉴定机构申请鉴定,鉴定后可以把假币盖上戳记,重新还给持有人。( )

现在的货币以( )来衡量需要交易的物资的价值。

哪一项不属于必须的点钞辅助工具。( )

扎把时应该将把条扎在钞券的( )

单指单张点钞要点( )

四指四张右手点钞动作要领有哪些( )

以下关于钞票入库的要求哪一项不正确( )

在进行币的收付和整点中,无需调整券面方向。( )

工具应摆放在桌面上,未清点的练功券需要放在身体左前方约15厘米的位置,扎把条和海绵缸要放在身体正前方约15日厘米的位置,所有工具必须要按照位置摆放不能换位。( )

拆下来的把条不能随手丢弃,应该放在一旁妥善保存,直至清点完成。( )

清点扎把的钞券应该及时盖章并在指定位置摆放整齐。( )

扎把机采用( )控制,是机电一体化的高科技产品。

点钞机市场格局不包括( )

点钞机是一种自动清点钞票数目的机电一体化装置,通常带有( )防伪功能,能轻松地帮助工作人员辨别钞票真伪。

点钞机一般由( )三大部分组成

点钞机一般具备( )清点的功能。

机器点钞的操作程序与手工点钞操作程序基本相同,分为( )工序。

pos机是客人的发卡行和商家的结算行的系统通过银联连接。( )

使用扎把机时,要进行装纸带操作。将纸带头插入纸带入口,进带时先按退键,然后再进带,按下进带键,纸带自动进入纸带导轨。( )

综合训练是眼手脑三者密切配合,训练目标切记是先准再快,一定要准再加快速度,切不可一味贪快.( )

传票翻页时手指翻动的幅度切忌过大,控制到能看清传票上的五行金额数字为宜,以提高翻页速度。( )

在没有数位线的表格里或者在空白纸上书写数字时,数字之间的空隙应均匀,约( )

金额“币贰佰叁拾元整”中,属于数量用字的是( )

生活中我们经常会见到一些非结算性质的票据在大写金额栏内预印了固定的数位,最常见的是( )

2017年4月20日,在支票的日期上应写作( )

12月12日,其大写应为( )

右手中指负责的按键由哪些( )

¥6,007.10,汉字大写金额应写为( )

小键盘区域中,哪几个键比普通的按键要大一倍( )

数字是由人发明的数字。( )

大写金额数字前没有印“币”字样的,在写中文大写数字之前要先写“币”三个字,然后紧接着写金额。( )

翻打传票,可以为( )提供及时准确可靠的基础数字,是财经工作者必备的一项基本功。

传票的种类是多种多样的,根据传票装订与否,传票分为( )

把传票快速开扇简单来说是( )步完成

同学们在翻页时常常会有一些错误方式( )

翻打传票的训练一般分为两个阶段。第一阶段是常规训练,包含( )

选手训练一般选择集中训练,包括( )

指法训练的目标是指确,键位准确,最终熟练盲打。操作要点归纳起来就是( )

整理传票的方法,即把传票捻成扇形。保证每张传票自然松动,以方便翻页,不会出现粘在一起的情况。( )

练习翻打传票,看数与记数时,要口中读出声音,应该养成看数反应快,记数牢而准的基本功。( )

综合训练是眼手脑三者密切配合,训练目标切记是先准再快,一定要准再加快速度,切不可一味贪快.( )

传票翻页时手指翻动的幅度切忌过大,控制到能看清传票上的五行金额数字为宜,以提高翻页速度。( )

( )年十二月一日,河北省石家庄市成立银行。

20元纸币的背面主景图案为( )

2015年“土豪金”版币有( )个防伪标识。

《银行法》明确规定:币由( )统一发行。

现在的货币以( )来衡量需要交易的物资的价值。

哪一项不属于必须的点钞辅助工具。( )

扎把机采用( )控制,是机电一体化的高科技产品。

在没有数位线的表格里或者在空白纸上书写数字时,数字之间的空隙应均匀,约( )

金额“币贰佰叁拾元整”中,属于数量用字的是( )

2017年4月20日,在支票的日期上应写作( )

右手中指负责的按键由哪些( )

生活中我们经常会见到一些非结算性质的票据在大写金额栏内预印了固定的数位,最常见的是( )

扎把时应该将把条扎在钞券的( )

第五套币100元纸币在设计上突出了( )

第五套币50元纸币正面行名下方底纹中的胶印缩微文字是( )

货币发展的阶段有那些?( )

我国清朝,习惯把(  )合称为钞票。

第五套币背面右上方有银行和( )民族文字的行名呢?

单指单张点钞要点( )

四指四张右手点钞动作要领有哪些( )

点钞机是一种自动清点钞票数目的机电一体化装置,通常带有( )防伪功能,能轻松地帮助工作人员辨别钞票真伪。

点钞机一般由( )三大部分组成。

¥6,007.10,汉字大写金额应写为( )

选手训练一般选择集中训练,包括( )

同学们在翻页时常常会有一些错误方式( )

根据《银行假币收缴鉴定管理办法》中所称假币是指伪造变造的货币。( )

币的水印是在造纸中,采用特殊的工艺,使纸纤维堆积,而形成的暗记。( )

残缺币的兑换分为全额兑换和半额兑换两个等级。( )

收缴假币的金融机构应该向持有人,出具银行统一印制的假币收缴凭证,并告知持有人如对货币真伪有异议,可向银行当地分支机构,或银行授权的,当地鉴定机构申请鉴定。( )

币票面残缺1/2以上,并且票面污损,薰焦,水湿,油浸,变色,不能够辨别真假或者是故意挖补,涂改,剪贴,拼凑,揭去一面的可以半额进行兑换。( )

工具应摆放在桌面上,未清点的练功券需要放在身体左前方约15厘米的位置,扎把条和海绵缸要放在身体正前方约15厘米的位置,所有工具必须要按照位置摆放不能换位。( )

pos机是客人的发卡行和商家的结算行的系统通过银联连接。( )

使用扎把机时,要进行装纸带操作。将纸带头插入纸带入口,进带时先按退键,然后再进带,按下进带键,纸带自动进入纸带导轨。( )

数字是由人发明的数字。( )

大写金额数字前没有印“币”字样的,在写中文大写数字之前要先写“币”三个字,然后紧接着写金额。( )

整理传票的方法,即把传票捻成扇形。保证每张传票自然松动,以方便翻页,不会出现粘在一起的情况。( )

练习翻打传票,看数与记数时,要口中读出声音,应该养成看数反应快,记数牢而准的基本功。( )

综合训练是眼手脑三者密切配合,训练目标切记是先准再快,一定要准再加快速度,切不可一味贪快.( )

传票翻页时手指翻动的幅度切忌过大,控制到能看清传票上的五行金额数字为宜,以提高翻页速度。( )

市场上流通着的币有一部分因长期流通破旧,有很多损伤票币。银行对票币进行整理清点,边清点边销毁。( )





































采用双线性变换法设计iir df时,如果设计出的模拟滤波器具有线性相位特性,那么转换后的数字滤波器也具有线性相位特性。




一个线性时不变离散系统稳定的充要条件是其系统函数的收敛域包括 。

若一模拟信号为带限,且对其抽样满足奈奎斯特条件,理想条件下将抽样信号通过 即可完全不失真恢复原信号。

对模拟信号(一维信号,是时间的函数)进行采样后,就是 信号, 再进行幅度量化后就是 信号。

fir滤波器的频率采样型结构中为了克服系数量化后的不稳定,可以做一下修正,方法是 。






《博物志》中记载着“积油万石,则自然生火“,指的是( )

当事人对火灾事故认定有异议的,可以自火灾事故认定书送达之日起( )日内,向上一级公安机关消防机构提出书面复核申请。

根据火灾事故调查规定,跨行政区域的火灾,由( )公安机关消防机构负责调查,相关区域的公安机关消防机构予以协助。

军事设施发生火灾需要公安机关消防机构协助调查的,由( )或者公安部消防局调派火灾事故调查专家协助。

火灾调查的任务是( )




关于询问和制作询问笔录,下列说法错误的是( )。

对于痕迹物证分散,可燃物燃烧均匀,中心处不突出的火场,一般采用( )进行勘验。

火灾现场勘验中,初步勘验的主要目的是确定( )。

在火灾现场勘验中,用于测量混凝土构件强度的仪器是( )。

下面选项中关于现场勘验笔录叙述错误的是( )。

下面选项中关于现场图叙述错误的是( )。

现场保护由( )完成。

火灾现场勘验中确定起火范围主要是在哪步勘验中完成的( )。

下面( )项不属于专项勘验的目的。

能反映整个火灾现场火势蔓延情况和现场燃烧破坏情况的是( )。

下面不属于火灾直接经济损失的是( )

下面属于复原勘验法的有( )。

( )时,碳酸钙分解,游离水、结晶水及水化物的脱水基本完成,混凝土强度几乎丧失。

下列( )痕迹特征不属于液体燃烧痕迹在可燃物体上的特征。

有关烟熏痕迹的证明作用,下列描述正确的是( )。

玻璃受机械外力冲击破坏,其裂纹形状呈( )。

火烧熔珠的金相组织特征为( )。

人体死伤痕迹一般不能证明( )



导线过负荷痕迹特征是( )。
















现场勘验时,( )的勘验目的是确定起火点。

对于不连续的立体火场,通常首先开始勘验的部位是( )。

木材有大块波浪状裂纹特征的是( )。

玻璃受机械外力冲击破坏,其裂纹形状呈( )。

下列哪种情况应该扩大保护区的范围( )。

根据火灾事故调查规定,跨行政区域的火灾,由( )公安机关消防机构负责调查,相关区域的公安机关消防机构予以协助。

火场尸体呼吸道无烟痕,一般可证明( )。

起火原因无法查清的,火灾事故认定书不需要认定的是( )。

短路痕迹通常不能证明( )


根据火灾现场形成后是否受到破坏,可将火灾现场划分为( )

木结构建筑倒塌形式有( )

火灾现场勘验的原则有(        )

根据《火灾损失统计方法》,火灾损失包括( )


火灾现场勘验仪器箱中的特斯拉计主要用于( )中物证的检测。

因某线路过负荷引起火灾,则起火点可能是( )。

某起火灾,经调查确定起火原因是烟头引燃床上用品所致,则下列哪些可能是现场特征( )。

爆炸现场与泄露气体爆炸现场的区别有(   )。

下列人员可能成为火灾调查询问对象的是( )。





利用火灾现场上的烟尘,可以判断燃烧物的种类 。











1941年1月,皖南事变后,新四军在革命老区盐城重建军部(盐城市建军西路126号泰山庙),在盐城的市中心有一条路叫( )。

“前进,前进!我们是铁的新四军!”在江苏盐城的盐南高新区,有一条路叫( )。

( )同志之子刘源上将,曾经向盐城市民王兰英捐赠10万元稿费作为其养老金。

“铁的信念、铁的团结、铁的意志、铁的纪律、铁的作风”是( )的主要内容。

( )是民族精神的重要组成部分,与井冈山精神、延安精神、西柏坡精神一脉相承。

理论界关于其内涵研究有“四点说”“五点说”和“七点说”。最早的铁军精神的内涵源于1926年对( )提出的“六点指示”。

在的领导下,在思想指导下,( )既继承了叶挺独立团、红四军和南方游击队的革命精神和战斗作风,又汲取群众的实践经验和伟大智慧,不断得到传承、丰富和发展。

新四军始终坚定( )的军队建设的根本原则, 一切听指挥, 而绝不允许“枪指挥”。

新时代我们弘扬新四军的“铁军精神”,就是要坚持的集中统一领导,树牢“四个意识”、坚定( )、坚决做到“两个维护”。

铁军精神是一个( )、系统的精神体系。铁的信念是铁军精神的根本, 铁的意志是铁军精神的体现, 铁的团结是铁军精神的基础, 铁的纪律是铁军精神的保障, 铁的作风是铁军精神的品质。


1.2019年国庆阅兵当日,由100面来自全军各荣誉功勋部队的战旗组成的战旗方队接受了祖国和的检阅。央视新闻精选10面战旗,讲述战旗背后的故事。其中第一个赫然在列的是( )

2.1927年12月,广州起义爆发,( )担任了红军总司令,首次打出了“红军”旗号,所以他被称为“是我们共产第一任总司令”。

3.武汉粤侨联欢社将精心铸造的一巨型铁盾赠送给第四军将士。该盾正面铸有“铁军” 两个竖写的大字。团长叶挺被誉为“北伐名将”,他所领导的第四军也被人称为( )

4. ( ),打响了武装反抗国民反动派的第一枪。

5.南昌起义和广州起义的失败,叶挺在苦闷和彷徨中,开始了一段落魄的流亡法国、德国的生涯。这一 " 流亡 ",就是漫长的( )!

6.1937年( ),抗日战争全面爆发,国共两第二次合作,成立新四军。

7.1941年,国民制造了震惊中外的( )。为《新华日报》题写“为江南死国难者志哀!”“千古奇冤,江南一叶;同室操戈,相煎何急?!”的题词,对国民顽固派进行了有力的声讨。

8. 皖南事变中,为了营救部队,( )将个人生死置之度外,下山谈判,被国民无理扣押,自此失去自由。副军长项英、参谋长周子昆突围后遇难,政治部主任袁国平牺牲。皖南事变,是国民第二次的高峰。

9.1924年,叶挺赴苏联莫斯科东方大学和红军学校班学习。当年年底,经聂荣臻、王若飞介绍,叶挺加入共产。这是他的( )入。

10.1946年3月4日,叶挺出狱后的第一件事,就是提出要在重庆( )的愿望。

《囚歌》( )歌,是一篇白话述志诗,分为上下两节。

诗的上半节,作者以( )、“门”和“洞”作对比,鲜明的阐述了革命者对于人的气节的崇高追求。

陕北有个延安,苏北有个( ),盐城是革命老区,在革命的各个历史时期,盐阜儿女都作出了极大的牺牲。

在1946年4月25日至1949年4月23日期间,盐城县曾更名为( )县,盐城易名为“叶挺城”。

“( )部队”在抗日烽火中诞生、在解放战争中成长、在盐城战役中扬名,在上海战役中显威,先后参加过苏中战役、淮海战役、渡江战役、福州战役、漳厦战役等150余次重大战役战斗。

9.请将下列诗句补充完整。为人进出的门紧锁着,为狗爬走的洞敞开着,一个声音高叫着:爬出来呵,给尔自由!我渴望着自由,但也深知到(道)人的躯体那(哪)能由( )爬出!












《新四军军歌》的曲作者是( )

毛曾赞誉( )是“华中的长城”。

《新四军军歌》的初稿是陈毅创作的新体诗( )

“东进!东进!我们是铁的新四军”。这句歌词突出了新四军“向南巩固、( )、向北发展”的战略方针和思想。

1939年7月1日中午,军部决定在大会堂(陈氏宗词)召开庆祝共产建( )纪念大会,并决定在这次大会上正式演唱《新四军军歌》。

1939年6月在,《新四军军歌》发表在新四军的刊物上,成为新四军部队集体宣誓性质的战歌,并和( )一起,成为新四军部队作战间隙休整开会时必唱的两首军歌。

史沫特莱在奔赴北京途经英国时因病去世,临终前她嘱托朋友将她的《新四军军歌》歌词手稿等遗物一起寄给了她曾采访过的( )总司令。



(1) 在盐城:以革命先烈命名的村镇多达





























黄花岗起义一共有( )位烈士?

著名的五卅运动爆发于( )年?

以下不是用烈士命名的乡镇是( )?


被称为是“战地文学开拓者”的作家是( )?


丘东平的遗作是( )?

陈毅和陈茜的第一个孩子叫( )。

陈毅托( )帮忙照顾大儿子。

皖南事变爆发于( )年?

( )做过陈毅儿子的奶妈?

为掩人耳目,陈毅的儿子被取名“( )”。


“大雪压青松,青松挺且直。 要知松高洁,待到雪化时。”的作者是( )?


陈毅做过( )市的市长。

抗大,全称是( )。

抗大,是共产( )年创办的培养军事和政治干部的学校。

延安有“抗大”,盐城有( )。

抗大五分校的成立,是新四军华中部队在( )、陈毅领导下,坚决执行向华中敌后发展的战略方针而赢得一系列重大胜利的结果。

抗大五分校学习的主要内容包括政治教育、( )教育、文化教育三个主要方面。

团长叶挺被誉为“北伐名将”,他所领导的第四军也被人称为( )。

在叶挺短暂而光辉的一生中,曾经( )加入共产。

“为人进出的门紧锁着,为狗爬走的洞敞开着,一个声音高叫着:爬出来呵,给尔自由!”这是( )写的《囚歌》中的一段。

皖南事变后,军委于1941年1月20日宣布重建新四军军部。2021年1月20日是新四军在盐城重建军部( )周年。

《新四军军歌》的曲作者是( )

“东进!东进!我们是铁的新四军”。这句歌词突出了新四军“向南巩固、( )、向北发展”的战略方针和思想。

盐城市为了纪念新四军和八路军胜利会师( )狮子口这一重大历史事件,决定在当年两军会师的原址修建一座碑,供人们瞻仰和纪念。1986年6月8日,纪念碑正式落成。

在1940年2月发表的《新民主主义论》中评价说:“鲁迅的方向,就是民族新文化的方向。”所以鲁迅艺术学院在创办时用( )的名字,目的是要“沿着鲁迅先生开创的道路前进”。

开国十大大将,只有八个人享受了大将的待遇,还有两个人是没有的。一个是( ),另一个是许光达。

抗大,全称是( )。

1941年皖南事变后,新四军在盐城重建军部,时任新四军代军长的陈毅在盐阜地区战斗和生活了近3年时间,留下了许多感人至深的佳话,“( )托子”便是其中之一。

1941年1月,皖南事变后,新四军在革命老区盐城重建军部。在盐城的市中心有一条路叫“( )路”。

新时代我们弘扬新四军的“铁军精神”,就是要坚持的集中统一领导,树牢“四个意识”、坚定( )、坚决做到“两个维护”。

besides key points, the other element a summary should include is:

what are the three ways of in-text citation, mentioned in the lecture?

the key points in the summary don’t have to be reported in the same order of logic as in the original text.

in summary writing, the thesis statement, which is the central idea of the original text, is always given as the first sentence, followed and supported by the key points.

even if you give credit, copying many words or ideas from a source, which makes up the majority of your work, is plagiari.

which of the following can be used as hedging expressions?

a book review is a summary of the main idea of a book.

there are two types of book review: elementary ones and advanced ones.

the publication information and the summary of a book are necessary parts of a book review.

though a critique should point out both the strengths and weaknesses of a book, most critiques put emphasis on the weaknesses of a book by saying what the book should have said but failed to do.

which component is not included in a research proposal?

which tense is not used frequently in research writing?

which component follows the research background component?

when working on the literature paragraph, what should your paragraph start with?

what are the three main purposes of writing a research proposal?

in which section of a lab report may the purpose of the experiment be included?

in which section of a lab report may the data of the experiment be presented and yzed?

which of the following visual aids is the best to present numerical data and standardized values for reference?

which of the following visual aids is the best to present trend over time?

which of the four choices may bring a more concise and stronger effect for the following sentence? a time-frequency ysis method is proposed to _______ the magnetotelluric response function.

what is the main purpose of writing a conference proposal?

when yzing the setting where the audience read your conference proposal, what information should you consider?

what are the two main elements used to yze the conference members (the audience of your conference proposal)?

what are the ways to remove unnecessary words?

what are the common types of conference sessions this unit introduced?

what are the two most important elements of the method section?

which of the following headings are commonly found under the method section?

only words or phrases can act as headings, and sentences or sentence fragments cannot.

headings should be in parallel form, which means that you need to make them consistent within the same level.

the active voice is generally preferred in writing a research paper, but for the method section, the passive voice is widely used.

which one is correct when citing references in the text, following the apa format?

if the only way to cite a source is through a secondary source citation, which of the following citations is the correct formatting?

which of the following ones are the basic elements of the results section?

which of the following items are usually included in the discussion section?

when citing one or two authors in-text, never use et al.; instead, always provide the author(s') names.

which of the following elements are usually covered in an abstract of a research paper?

in an abstract, one should report only the important findings of his or her study.

when stating the conclusion in an abstract, one should present the important results or findings.

the key to abstracting a research paper is to look for the 5 elements in your research paper, and write 1-2 sentences for each.

paralleli usually happens at the word or phrase level, and is rarely used at the clause level.

in a research proposal, what does the research background component provide?

which tense should be used when we describe the action of named researcher carrying out a specific study in the past?

which component provides readers with detailed information about the sources you use in your research proposal?

if you were writing the literature review, and you had a sentence indicating that the statement a scholar makes continues to be true, what tense should you use in the sentence?

in a research proposal, what component does the sentence "to date, little is known about how long college students use cell phones in class and how this might influence their learning" suggest?

when writing a conference proposal, what technique you can use to avoid conflict between you and conference members, particularly when you and your audience might believe in different theories?

in a conference proposal, what information does a conclusion component usually include?

which way is more effective to make this sentence more concise, “astonished, the architect circled around the building in amazement”?

what is the main reason that makes the title of a conference proposal important?

in which setting are the conference members reading your proposal?

which of the following is not a feature of a summary?

which of the following choices is correct, concerning the given argumentative thesis? argumentative thesis: government should ban further construction of nuclear power plants for part 1 the potential threat to the safety of local residents. part 2

which of the following is not a way of in-text citation?

the most important difference between a comprehensive review and an elementary review is _____.

which of the following sentences has hedging expressions in it?

which one of the following headings is not included under the method section?

in which of the following sections is the passive voice widely used?

which element of the method section does the following sentence describe? “the test instrument employed in this study was a revised version of the auditory test for language comprehension (carrow, 1968), which permits the assesent of oral language comprehension of english and spanish without requiring language expression.”

which element of the method section do the following sentences describe? “both groups were tested by the same examiner, a mexican-american fluent in both languages. the children were brought inidually to a test area where they engaged in spontaneous conversation...the test required the child to indicate his response by pointing to the picture which corresponded to the examiner’s utterance.”

in which section of a research paper is the following sentences most likely to appear? “intercorrelations of all of the measures of well-being for the total sample are presented in table 2. correlations with prior measures of positive functioning are all positive and significant, with coefficients ranging from .25 to .73. ”

in which section of a research paper is the following sentences most likely to appear? “our findings suggest that increased levels of depression are associated with those who become addicted to the internet. this suggests that clinical depression is significantly associated with increased levels of personal internet use. it is likely that low self-esteem, poor motivation, fear of rejection, and the need for approval associated with depressives contribute to increased internet use.”

the following is an abstract, consisting of 5 sentences. which key element does sentence ② describe? abstract: ①anxiety about tests and test-like situations was examined in a series of studies of elementary school children in 4 connecticut towns. ②high anxiety (ha) and low anxiety (la) groups were identified by general anxiety and test anxiety scales for which format and validation details are presented. ③data support hypotheses concerning fantasies of bodily injury and cues which interfere with the anxious child's performance. ④ratings by fathers of a portion of the sample discriminated between ha and la children; mothers' ratings did not. ⑤implications for school testing programs are discussed.

the following is an abstract, consisting of 5 sentences. which element does sentence ④ describe? abstract: ①research on exposure to television and movie violence suggests that playing violent video games will increase aggressive behavior. ②a meta-ytic review of the video-game research literature reveals that violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children and young s. ③experimental and nonexperimental studies with males and females in laboratory and field settings support this conclusion. ④analyses also reveal that exposure to violent video games increases physiological arousal and aggression-related thoughts and feelings. ⑤playing violent video games also decreases prosocial behavior.

the following is an abstract, consisting of 5 sentences. which element does sentence ① describe? abstract: ①procrastination is variously described as harmful, innocuous, or even beneficial. ②two longitudinal studies examined procrastination among students. ③procrastinators reported lower stress and less illness than nonprocrastinators early in the semester, but they reported higher stress and more illness late in the term, and overall they were sicker. ④procrastinators also received lower grades on all assignments. ⑤procrastination thus appears to be a self-defeating behavior pattern marked by short-term benefits and long-term costs.

in which section of a lab report is the procedure of the experiment likely to appear?

in which section of a lab report may the data of the experiment be presented and yzed?

what kind of visual aid is it?

which of the following visual aids can be best used to present numerical proportions in a lab report?

which of the following visual aids can be best used to present numerical data and standardized values for reference in a lab report?

what are the two methods of making a value statement?

what are the two ways to organize the literature?

what principles should you consider when choosing a topic for a conference proposal?

what words/phrases are considered wordy below?

choose two acceptable paraphrases from the following for the original text, making sure that they should not be considered plagiari. original: we do not yet understand all the ways in which brain chemicals are related to emotions and thoughts, but the salient point is that our state of mind has an immediate and direct effect on our state of body. source: siegel, b. (1986). love, medicine and miracles (p. 69). new york: harper and row.

what are the hedging expressions in the following sentence? “there is experimental work to show that a week or ten days may not be long enough and a fortnight to three weeks is probably the best theoretical period.”

which of the following are typical components of a research paper?

which of the following are usually included under the method section?

the main elements of the method section include:

the results section typically consists of _____.

to make ooth transitions between two ideas, what transitional strategies can be adopted?

which of the following elements are usually covered in an abstract of a research paper?

which of the following may be the essential components of a lab report?

which of the following visual aids may be relatively more appropriate to present changes over time in a lab report?

simple past tense is usually used in the methods section of a research proposal, and future tense is used in the methods section of a research paper.

i can include the sources i read on the reference page even if i do not use them in my research proposal.

if in the literature review, you have a sentence describing the previous researchers’ actual actions, you should use simple past tense in the sentence.

if a gap statement of a research proposal indicates, “compared to the literature on the use of taiwanese in educational and political settings, little is known about its actual use in mass media setting,” the method the author used to make the statement is unresolved conflict.

the component of a research proposal that describes the steps, materials, and ytic techniques you will use in a research proposal is the literature review component.

researchers tend to be more open to various theories related to the topic of your conference proposal than language teachers.

regarding writing a conference proposal, if you are writing for an audience of language teachers, you might want to use more technical terms to show them your professionali, to discuss more theories, and to use more hedging language.

in a conference proposal, unnecessary repetition means the same message has been delivered more than once.

it is important to explain how you collected and yzed data clearly in your conference proposal so that the conference members know you indeed finished your research.

all the information appearing in a conference proposal does not need to appear in the conference presentation.

in summary writing, the thesis statement (the central idea of the original text) must be given, while the key points are not necessary components of a summary.

the key points in the summary should be reported in the same order of logic as in the original text.

the following citation should be considered plagiari. orginal: because of their unique perspective, americans fear globalization less than anyone else, and as a consequence they think about it less than anyone else. citation: according to lester thurow (1993) americans fear globalization less than people from other countries and as a consequence spend less time thinking about it.

in the sentence “in b. yates' article an american love affair, the author refutes the view that modern societies should eradicate the car because of the many sins it commits”, the reporting verb used here is “eradicate”.

a book review is an article that summarizes the main idea of the book and says if it is a good read or not.

for fictions, we can read them critically by judging the the author’s qualification, the author’s goal, the use of visual aids, etc.

in the critique part of a book review, writers should comment on the weaknesses of the book.

compared with the sentence “the medicine has negative impacts on the treatment of this disease”, the sentence “the medicine might have negative impacts on the treatment of this disease” reduces the certainty of the claim by applying a hedging expression.

when writing the method section, the writer should give enough information for others to replicate the study.

the method section is usually the first section to write for the research paper, because you just finish your study and the method is likely to be clear in your mind.

the best way to describe the steps you followed in your study is usually to follow the chronological order.

when writing the introduction section, the writer should use the passive voice as much as possible, because the action is usually emphasized in this section.

in the results section, you should not repeat the numbers already reported in tables, graphs or diagrams.

when citing the work by over 7 authors, one just list the last name of the first author and add “as cited in” before it.

to cite secondary sources, one should write “et al.”followed by the secondary source in parentheses.

compared with sentence ①, sentence ② makes a better transition between two ideas. ①fearing for the loss of danish lands, christian iv signed the treaty of lubeck, effectively ending the danish phase of the 30 years war. but then something else significant happened. the swedish intervention began. ②fearing for the loss of more danish lands, christian iv signed the treaty of lubeck, effectively ending the danish phase of the 30 years war. shortly after danish forces withdrew, the swedish intervention began.

there are basically two types of abstracts: the elementary ones and the comprehensive ones.

in the abstract of a research paper, just present a couple of important results, and don't try to cram a lot of numbers into this part.

the abstract of a research paper should summarize the highlights of all the sections of the paper.

paralleli usually happens at the word or phrase level, and is rarely used at the clause level.

a lab report explains what you did in an experiment, what you learned and what the results meant.

in most cases, in a lab report, the data from an experiment may be presented in the form of written text with the visual aids like tables and charts.

pie charts may be more visualized to present percentage portions that the other visual aids in a lab report.

nouns may be more frequently used than verbs in a lab report in that a lot of technical terms are included.

in a research proposal, what does the research background component provide?

which tense should be used when we describe the action of named researcher carrying out a specific study in the past?

which component provides readers with detailed information about the sources you use in your research proposal?

if you were writing the literature review, and you had a sentence indicating that the statement a scholar makes continues to be true, what tense should you use in the sentence?

in a research proposal, what component does the sentence "to date, little is known about how long college students use cell phones in class and how this might influence their learning" suggest?

when writing a conference proposal, what technique you can use to avoid conflict between you and conference members, particularly when you and your audience might believe in different theories?

in a conference proposal, what information does a conclusion component usually include?

which way is more effective to make this sentence more concise, “astonished, the architect circled around the building in amazement”?

what is the main reason that makes the title of a conference proposal important?

in which setting are the conference members reading your proposal?

which of the following is not a feature of a summary?

which of the following choices is correct, concerning the given argumentative thesis? argumentative thesis: government should ban further construction of nuclear power plants for part 1 the potential threat to the safety of local residents. part 2

which of the following is not a way of in-text citation?

the most important difference between a comprehensive review and an elementary review is _____.

which of the following sentences has hedging expressions in it?

which one of the following headings is not included under the method section?

in which of the following sections is the passive voice widely used?

which element of the method section does the following sentence describe? “the test instrument employed in this study was a revised version of the auditory test for language comprehension (carrow, 1968), which permits the assesent of oral language comprehension of english and spanish without requiring language expression.”

which element of the method section do the following sentences describe? “both groups were tested by the same examiner, a mexican-american fluent in both languages. the children were brought inidually to a test area where they engaged in spontaneous conversation...the test required the child to indicate his response by pointing to the picture which corresponded to the examiner’s utterance.”

in which section of a research paper is the following sentences most likely to appear? “intercorrelations of all of the measures of well-being for the total sample are presented in table 2. correlations with prior measures of positive functioning are all positive and significant, with coefficients ranging from .25 to .73. ”

in which section of a research paper is the following sentences most likely to appear? “our findings suggest that increased levels of depression are associated with those who become addicted to the internet. this suggests that clinical depression is significantly associated with increased levels of personal internet use. it is likely that low self-esteem, poor motivation, fear of rejection, and the need for approval associated with depressives contribute to increased internet use.”

the following is an abstract, consisting of 5 sentences. which key element does sentence ② describe? abstract: ①anxiety about tests and test-like situations was examined in a series of studies of elementary school children in 4 connecticut towns. ②high anxiety (ha) and low anxiety (la) groups were identified by general anxiety and test anxiety scales for which format and validation details are presented. ③data support hypotheses concerning fantasies of bodily injury and cues which interfere with the anxious child's performance. ④ratings by fathers of a portion of the sample discriminated between ha and la children; mothers' ratings did not. ⑤implications for school testing programs are discussed.

the following is an abstract, consisting of 5 sentences. which element does sentence ④ describe? abstract: ①research on exposure to television and movie violence suggests that playing violent video games will increase aggressive behavior. ②a meta-ytic review of the video-game research literature reveals that violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children and young s. ③experimental and nonexperimental studies with males and females in laboratory and field settings support this conclusion. ④analyses also reveal that exposure to violent video games increases physiological arousal and aggression-related thoughts and feelings. ⑤playing violent video games also decreases prosocial behavior.

the following is an abstract, consisting of 5 sentences. which element does sentence ① describe? abstract: ①procrastination is variously described as harmful, innocuous, or even beneficial. ②two longitudinal studies examined procrastination among students. ③procrastinators reported lower stress and less illness than nonprocrastinators early in the semester, but they reported higher stress and more illness late in the term, and overall they were sicker. ④procrastinators also received lower grades on all assignments. ⑤procrastination thus appears to be a self-defeating behavior pattern marked by short-term benefits and long-term costs.

in which section of a lab report is the procedure of the experiment likely to appear?

in which section of a lab report may the data of the experiment be presented and yzed?

what kind of visual aid is it?

which of the following visual aids can be best used to present numerical proportions in a lab report?

which of the following visual aids can be best used to present numerical data and standardized values for reference in a lab report?

what are the two methods of making a value statement?

what are the two ways to organize the literature?

what principles should you consider when choosing a topic for a conference proposal?

what words/phrases are considered wordy below?

choose two acceptable paraphrases from the following for the original text, making sure that they should not be considered plagiari. original: we do not yet understand all the ways in which brain chemicals are related to emotions and thoughts, but the salient point is that our state of mind has an immediate and direct effect on our state of body. source: siegel, b. (1986). love, medicine and miracles (p. 69). new york: harper and row.

what are the hedging expressions in the following sentence? “there is experimental work to show that a week or ten days may not be long enough and a fortnight to three weeks is probably the best theoretical period.”

which of the following are typical components of a research paper?

which of the following are usually included under the method section?

the main elements of the method section include:

the results section typically consists of _____.

to make ooth transitions between two ideas, what transitional strategies can be adopted?

which of the following elements are usually covered in an abstract of a research paper?

which of the following may be the essential components of a lab report?

which of the following visual aids may be relatively more appropriate to present changes over time in a lab report?

simple past tense is usually used in the methods section of a research proposal, and future tense is used in the methods section of a research paper.

i can include the sources i read on the reference page even if i do not use them in my research proposal.

if in the literature review, you have a sentence describing the previous researchers’ actual actions, you should use simple past tense in the sentence.

if a gap statement of a research proposal indicates, “compared to the literature on the use of taiwanese in educational and political settings, little is known about its actual use in mass media setting,” the method the author used to make the statement is unresolved conflict.

the component of a research proposal that describes the steps, materials, and ytic techniques you will use in a research proposal is the literature review component.

researchers tend to be more open to various theories related to the topic of your conference proposal than language teachers.

regarding writing a conference proposal, if you are writing for an audience of language teachers, you might want to use more technical terms to show them your professionali, to discuss more theories, and to use more hedging language.

in a conference proposal, unnecessary repetition means the same message has been delivered more than once.

it is important to explain how you collected and yzed data clearly in your conference proposal so that the conference members know you indeed finished your research.

all the information appearing in a conference proposal does not need to appear in the conference presentation.

in summary writing, the thesis statement (the central idea of the original text) must be given, while the key points are not necessary components of a summary.

the key points in the summary should be reported in the same order of logic as in the original text.

the following citation should be considered plagiari. orginal: because of their unique perspective, americans fear globalization less than anyone else, and as a consequence they think about it less than anyone else. citation: according to lester thurow (1993) americans fear globalization less than people from other countries and as a consequence spend less time thinking about it.

in the sentence “in b. yates' article an american love affair, the author refutes the view that modern societies should eradicate the car because of the many sins it commits”, the reporting verb used here is “eradicate”.

a book review is an article that summarizes the main idea of the book and says if it is a good read or not.

for fictions, we can read them critically by judging the the author’s qualification, the author’s goal, the use of visual aids, etc.

in the critique part of a book review, writers should comment on the weaknesses of the book.

compared with the sentence “the medicine has negative impacts on the treatment of this disease”, the sentence “the medicine might have negative impacts on the treatment of this disease” reduces the certainty of the claim by applying a hedging expression.

when writing the method section, the writer should give enough information for others to replicate the study.

the method section is usually the first section to write for the research paper, because you just finish your study and the method is likely to be clear in your mind.

the best way to describe the steps you followed in your study is usually to follow the chronological order.

when writing the introduction section, the writer should use the passive voice as much as possible, because the action is usually emphasized in this section.

in the results section, you should not repeat the numbers already reported in tables, graphs or diagrams.

when citing the work by over 7 authors, one just list the last name of the first author and add “as cited in” before it.

to cite secondary sources, one should write “et al.”followed by the secondary source in parentheses.

compared with sentence ①, sentence ② makes a better transition between two ideas. ①fearing for the loss of danish lands, christian iv signed the treaty of lubeck, effectively ending the danish phase of the 30 years war. but then something else significant happened. the swedish intervention began. ②fearing for the loss of more danish lands, christian iv signed the treaty of lubeck, effectively ending the danish phase of the 30 years war. shortly after danish forces withdrew, the swedish intervention began.

there are basically two types of abstracts: the elementary ones and the comprehensive ones.

in the abstract of a research paper, just present a couple of important results, and don't try to cram a lot of numbers into this part.

the abstract of a research paper should summarize the highlights of all the sections of the paper.

paralleli usually happens at the word or phrase level, and is rarely used at the clause level.

a lab report explains what you did in an experiment, what you learned and what the results meant.

in most cases, in a lab report, the data from an experiment may be presented in the form of written text with the visual aids like tables and charts.

pie charts may be more visualized to present percentage portions that the other visual aids in a lab report.

nouns may be more frequently used than verbs in a lab report in that a lot of technical terms are included.